Dive Deeper

Feel better equipped to talk to your students about youth crime.

Due to rising demand for resources from Schools, Children’s services, youth groups and public services. LNK have spent the last few years strategising with teacher’s, young people and various people within the community with lived experience of youth violence to create, support and strengthen the knowledge for youth leaders to feel better equipped to deliver resources as an intervention for young people.

Suitable for KS4 & GCSE level

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Video series designed for young people

Our videos have been developed by people with lived experience, with the intention to use as an intervention tool for teachers and youth leaders

We want you to be better equipped to stimulate conversation with young people on the subject of youth crime and the consequences of youth crime. The effects on the young people, their families and the wider community.

Teacher resources + classroom activities

LNK have focused their work on intervention programmes, and over the last 13 years have developed LNK educate. Which involves a whole school approach the programme was piloted and supported by The Home Office and Evening Standard.

These resources have been developed and recently updated by feedback from various focus groups of teachers. Some have been changed in respect to the age and experience of the young people who will be using the resources.

Teacher & practitioner network meetings

We are aware that there will be occasions when this subject may set of triggers for some young people.

Our team can offer further support in the form of:
- 121 diarised appointments
- Networking opportunities
- Peer to peer support opportunities

Includes full access to

  • All video and lesson plan content
  • Individual + group activity resources
  • Monthly network meetings
  • Talking to the Lives Not Knives team

WE have the experience to back up what we are talking about...

Since the programme has been delivering training online in July 2020 in the borough of Croydon, LNK have:
- Delivered teacher training and resources to 460 teachers
- Who in turn have delivered the resources to 8877 students
- Following delivery of resources both teachers and LNK mentors identified 349 students as being at risk of involved in youth crime and referred these young people to specialised services

Read more about thrive →

Trained teachers


Students supported


"at risk"